Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Natural Remedies for Gout

Gout is a painful form of arthritis. It is often fairly insidious in its onset but without proper treatment will affect all your joints over time. Many conventional medicines have proved somewhat ineffective for this disease as they do not treat the root cause of the problem. Steroids are often prescribed for pain and inflammation, but can have unpleasant side effects.

This is the reason that many patients are looking for alternative treatments for this disease. Natural remedies for Gout are good alternatives as they have no side effects and treat the actual problem.

Gout is caused by the build up of uric acid. This produces crystals in the joints which act like sharp spines and cause swelling redness and severe pain. The disease usually starts in the big toe joints and ankles. It is a progressive disease if left untreated, but can be treated effectively by diet.

Firstly you will need to work on prevention. This can be helped by abstaining from certain foods. Red wine and red meats are the 2 greatest offenders when it comes to uric acid build ups. Eliminating these 2 items or at least decreasing their consumption can alleviate your symptoms or at least reduce attacks.

Seafood like shellfish and salmon should also be decreased, as should sweetbreads, tripe and sauces. Lentils, peas and beans are also offenders when it comes to uric acid.

So what should you eat? A cup of strawberries or ½ a cup of cherries will help to neutralize acidity and alleviate symptoms. This means that you can make those delicious homemade smoothies and know that you will not only enjoy but get relief from your gout. Vitamin C is also good for neutralizing uric acid and should be taken on a daily basis.

This is just the beginning of all the things you can do. To find out more go to natural remedies for Gout

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Arthritis pain management

Arthritis pain management

The pain associated with arthritis is unique. You will need to have a system for managing this discomfort. Medicine can help temporarily but much of the management can be done by natural means. Diet plays a large part in keeping you healthy. When your health is better you will find that you will have more energy to move and can manage the pain of your arthritis better.Massage and heat therapy is often very beneficial. You can practice self massage by rubbing the affected area and can also use heat pads. Remember not to let pain take over your life. The more you do gentle exercise the more mobility you will have in your joints. Try not to stay immobile for too long. For information on natural treatment for arthritis research please see

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chronic Arthritis

When this disease becomes a permanent problem you will end up with chronic arthritis. Sometimes you feel that you have tried everything and nothing is giving you relief. This is when you want to try a more holistic approach. Sometimes in order to get relief from this disease you need to see the big picture. This is what natural treatment of arthritis will do for you.

There are several methods of natural treatment for arthritis. One of the biggest advantages is that they rarely have side effects. Many conventional drugs leave you with unpleasant side effects. Here is some more information on natural treatment of chronic arthritis

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Arthritis stiffness is one of the biggest complaints from suffers of this disease. It is especially bad first thing in the morning. Anther bad time is if you have been sitting for any length of time and after you have taken a rest from some exercise.

One if the best ways to combat this is to slowly move your joints. Gently rotate ankles, joints and shoulders before attempting to move. Try to lift you legs slowly and gently ease your hip joints into movement. When you start to walk try to walk slowly at first and as the stiffness wears off a little you can gradually quicken your pace.

With osteoarthritis stiffness will usually diminish and in some cases disappear after an hour of movement. It s important not to give up and to try to stay mobile, do not to spend long hours just sitting, give yourself a break and walk about if possible. Gentle exercise is the key to success. For more information on natural treatments for arthritis please visit arthritis stiffness

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Arthritis Patients

Arthritis patients

There are many people who are suffering from arthritis. They have tried so many treatments but have experienced little if any results. This is when it is time to turn away from traditional medicines and look at a more holistic approach. There are in fact many natural treatments available that have proved affective in relieving symptoms of arthritis.

Herbs have been used for many centuries to help those suffering with this disease. Some are effective others not but the good thing is that there are very few side effects from these natural cures.

Lately some research is being done on natural treatments for arthritis regarding antioxidants. For more information on this please see arthritis cure natural

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Arthritis knees

Arthritis knees

One of the worst places to get arthritis is in your knees. This is because some of the worst pressure of your body is actually on your knees. This makes it one of the most debilitating and sometimes more painful forms of arthritis. A strange phenomenon is that sometimes arthritis in these joints can disappear for several days and then come back with renewed force.

There are three main forms of this disease that affects these joints, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, and post traumatic. Osteoarthritis is generally due to wear and tear and can affect people in their 50’s and up. It is a gradual wearing away of the cartilage around the knee and cap that leads to the bones rubbing together and damage to the joint.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the small joints, causing damage and deterioration of cartilage and joints. This is one of the most painful of all arthritic conditions and also leads to swelling, inflammation and deformity of joints.

Post traumatic arthritis is due to past injuries. Sometimes it can be several years before the disease develops. It is important to take care of any knee injuries promptly to try to prevent further problems. For more information please see treatment of arthritis in the knees

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Arthritis joints

Arthritis can affect a number of joints the main ones are the hips, hands, and knees. The pain and discomfort of this disease can slow you down considerably. The worst thing you can do is to let yourself become immobile.

To prevent this you will need to exercise everyday. This does not mean that you have to rush out to the gym and start all sorts of strenuous exercises. You can achieve continued mobility by just taking short walks. You should take a break from sitting too long and just walk about to prevent yourself from getting stiff and sore. It will cause a little pain but it is better than letting you get completely useless. Gardening is also a good form of gentle exercise, but you need to be careful not to get carried away.You can learn more here arthritis joints